The Best Fans in the Park!

Photos of some of the best fans at Tiger Stadium and Chester Field

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  • From front to back: 
 Jason Gordon (with the beer), John Gordon, Warren Kidd, Michel Tanguay (from June 1983.)

    Getting hosed at Tiger Stadium.

  • John Gordon and Tigers owner, Ron Zinn.

    John Gordon and Tigers owner, Ron Zinn.

  • Fans and players after the game at Sudsey's

    Fans and players after the game at Sudsey's.

  • Big John and Ken Swinwood.

    Big John and Ken Swinwood.

  • Pierre (Boog) Tanguay, the scorekeeper.

    Boog the scorekeeper.

  • John Gordon.

    John Gordon.

  • Mike Lauziere at Chester Field.

    Mike Lauziere.