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THE TIGERS - A'S - OUTLAWS 2003 REUNION SERIES -- Ted Golding's Outlaw Profiles

Ted Golding profiles many of the premiere players on the Outlaws in preparation for the 2003 C.N.R.A. Tigers - A's - Outlaws Reunion Series at Chester Field in St-Lambert.

Doug Levia

Doug was a shadow of his former self. Weighing in at a slick 205, Doug has shed some 50 lbs since his Outlaw playing days. Doug was a perennial # 3 hitter in the old days but last Saturday Doug was moved into the lead off stop to capitalize on his new found speed. Doug led the tournament in steals and was seen running wind sprints between games. Coupled with his new found speed Doug still showed his power side by pounding out a couple of homeruns. Doug is now retired from CN and continues to live in Chatgueay with his wife and sons. Kudos to Doug for taking care of the beer situation for all teams.

Brian Laurie "Barney"

If anyone in this tournament looked like them old self it was "Barn". This likeable but albeit cheap Scottish bastard was in glory during the night life at Scottz bar in Greenfield Park. Brian grew up in the Park and was greeted by many of his old friend and even went up on stage to collect Gordie Kirnan jacket off a winning ticket. "Gord never liked the lime light!!!!" Ya Right!!!! Brian's game was as sharp as ever with strong defence and timely hitting. Brian and his wife Carol have two children and have recently moved back east from Calgary to Ottawa.

Denis "Richard Gere" Pedneault

Looking as dashing as ever with that salt and pepper hair Denis looked like his old self. Voted as most likely to get laid at any moment Denis charmed his way thoughtout the weekend. Denis was remembered for his sneaky speed and showed it on both Friday and Saturday evening as pulled Houdini acts one and two. One minute he was there and the next he was gone back to the Motel !!!!! Denis also is living in Ottawa is single again and has two lovely daughters.

Scott Morningstar "Bo know hips"

Scott has lost a step or two as a result of hip replacements but looked in fantastic shape and hasn't lost anything when it comes to his game. No one hit more balls to the warning track then Scotty. With the quick glove still working and strong arm he was the pillar at third as he always was. Scott continues to work at CN and has risen to the top as we all expected. Scott is now living with his girlfriend and also has two children.

Pierre Valois

Pierre deserves huge thanks for making the trip all the way from France. He was accompanied for the weekend by his lovely girlfriend Karine. With girlfriend in tow, we kind of got the quiet Pierre that none of us were expecting. Due to some bad judgements by his Outlaw team-mates Pierre was left behind "albeit with a beautiful woman" on a couple occasions by his drunken team-mates. Sorry about that Pete. Pierre was the first Outlaw to step up to the plate and did us all proud by pounding a homerun on the second pitch of the game.

Paul Brazier

Brazier "Burger" has a most difficult weekend but to his credit he never let is get in the way of his fun or beer. When Paul was dropped off at his house in Ottawa late Sunday afternoon his family (wife and 3 kids) must have wondered what the heck happen to dad. Paul suffered a purple nail on his hand in the bloody warm up, then pulled his hamstring trying to make a typical Paul catch and while nursing his hamstring on the bench was beened by an errant throw in the ankle.

Sylvain Leclerc

Sly remains the fun loving guy we left some 10-12 years ago. He showed up at the park ready to play but the super dad he is had to run off to pick up his kids. Before the first game was into the second inning Sly was back behind the plate doing what he does best. With his typical batting style of slapping the ball from line to line Sly showed why he was one of the toughest guys to defence against. Working as a DJ at a local Ottoburn bar on the weekends, he is now know at the Sly DJ.

Sid Leahy

Sid had to pass up attending a Lesbian wedding to attend the Outlaws reunion. Tough choice!!! Sid hasn't changed in his demeanour and still remains one of the league favourite players. It was noted however that Sid seems to be faster from home to first than in the olden days. Sid still dawns that beloved Red Soxs cap that hasn't left his head in 12 yrs. Sid remains a CN employee however has finally found is way off shift work and seem to have elevated his game. Sid continues to live with his girlfriend of many years.

Yvan Thiboutot

"Hollywood" as he's know by his team-mates showed up late and was only able to stay for beer and a couple of innings. Looking the same as he did some 10 years ago Yvan is a busy dad doing the taxi thing that we've all been through. He promised to make it to the next reunion and I trust he will. It took no time fro Yvan to melt into the old Outlaw team atmosphere. Great that he took the time just to swing by to say hello.

Ted Golding

As manager of the Outlaws I want to thank all the Outlaws for a weekend of great memories and a chance to renew old friendships of friends and foes. Having the Tiger and A's involved meant playing against old rivals that played the game as hard as we played. The Outlaws by many were considered a cocky bunch and no one here will argue that. We came to play because we knew our opposition was ready, willing and hoping to put a beating to us. It was the best of time for many of us, myself included. I feel fortunate to have played against so many awesome ballplayers who only elevated my game. As time marches on we all will remember this league and this past weekend as memories to our fading youth.

Let's do it again!

Over the next few years I'm sure someone will say lets do it again. When you hear the call, please take up the charge individually to do what you can to make it happen again. With each of us pulling in one direction we can certainly make it a reality one more time.

Last but not least a huge thanks to Ron Zinn who epitomizes effort. Ron has personally spend time and money to keep a memory alive via this website.